Environmental Impact Statement

The Bowdens Silver Environmental Impact Statement

The NSW government has identified Bowdens Silver’s proposed mining operations as “State Significant Development” (SSD). Development applications for SSDs must be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

The Secretary of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (the Department) prescribes environmental impact assessment requirements (SEARs) for proposed SSD’s. In preparing the SEARs, the Department consults with a wide range of public authorities, including local councils, to obtain input into the SEARs requirements.

Under the current Bowdens Silver SEARs, the EIS must include a detailed description of the project and an assessment of its likely impacts on the following key issues:

  • Land, including soils, land capability, agricultural capability, landforms and compatibility with other local land uses;
  • Air quality, including likely greenhouse gas impacts;
  • Human health, including impacts relating to air quality (including heavy metals), noise, drinking water quality, and monitoring and management measures to reduce risks to human health;
  • Water, including impacts on regional surface water and ground water resources, likely impacts on aquifers, watercourses, riparian land, water-related infrastructure and other water users;
  • Noise, including construction and operational noise, and road noise impacts;
  • Biodiversity, including an offset strategy to maintain regional biodiversity values;
  • Heritage (cultural and archaeological);
  • Transport, including impacts on the capacity, condition, safety and efficiency of the local and State road network;
  • Visual, including impacts on private landowners and key vantage points in the public domain;
  • Public safety, including bushfire risks and the handling and use of dangerous goods;
  • Social and economic, including the significance of the resource, economic benefits for the Sate and region, and demand for provision of local infrastructure and services.


The EIS can be viewed on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website.


Major Stages and Considerations of The Environmental Impact Statement

Background and Description of the Proposal
Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEAR)
The Approvals Process
Environmental Management and Documentation
Consultation and Issue Identification
Geological Setting and Resources
Mine Design and Planning Considerations
Site Establishment and Construction Activities
Mining Operations
Waste Rock Management
Processing Operations
Tailings Management
Road Traffic and Transportation
Site Infrastructure and Services
Hours of Operation and Life of the Proposal
Waste Management
Safety/Security Management
Rehabilitation, Land Uses and Biodiversity Offset
Blasting and Vibration
Air Quality
Traffic and Transport
Surface Water
Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Soils and Land Capability
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Non-Indigenous Heritage
Local Infrastructure and Services including Power
Agricultural Lands and Enterprises