
7/4/21: Mining Lease Application

Bowdens Silver is pleased to advise that it recently submitted its Mining Lease Application for Group 1 minerals silver, zinc and lead with the Department of Regional NSW. Please note that this process is conditional on approval of the Bowdens Silver Project by the relevant authority.

The map below shows the Mining Lease Application boundary. This boundary is an administrative boundary and does not represent the location for mining related infrastructure.

Further information on the overall Bowdens Silver Project can be found in the Environmental Impact Statement summary booklet available on the home page.

Exploration Activity Update

Drilling exploration works are continuing at the Bowdens Silver Project in 2021. Two drill rigs are operating on site with a focus on targeting further high-grade silver zones nearby and below the proposed open cut pit. At present, these activities will continue for the forseeable future in line with current approvals.


Virtual Open Day Presentations

Bowdens Silver held two Virtual Open Days on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2020. A range of presentations were delivered and questions answered by representatives from the company, RW Corkery & Co (EIS authors and principal environmental consultant) and other specialist consultants who have contributed to the Environmental Impact Statement.

To view the presentations, please click here.

Exploration Activity Update

The current exploration drilling campaign will be extended and is expected to continue to at least the end of 2020. Drilling will focus on targeting high-grade silver below the current proposed pit and also include multiple new targets to extend beyond the current Mineral Resource. Activities will continue to operate based on current days and timeframes.

Planning is also underway to conduct a gravity geophysical survey that will aid in identifying the extent of underground structures and mineralisation. This survey is low impact and once planned is likely to be conducted over 2 weeks.


Environmental Impact Statement – Public Exhibition

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Bowdens Silver Project has been lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) and is now on public exhibition until the 27th of July 2020.

You can view the EIS:

  • online at the DPIE Major Projects website
  • or in hard copy at Mid-Western Regional Council’s Mudgee office as well as the Bowdens Silver office in Lue (please call ahead)

Members of the community can have their say about the project by:

  • Making an online submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  • Sending written submissions to: Director, Resource Assessments, Planning and Assessment, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124

Exploration Drilling Update

Exploration drilling will re-commence at Bowdens Silver during the last week of January 2020. This drilling will be targeting areas that have been highlighted during our recent gravity survey works and are mostly located to the north west of the proposed open pit area and known mineral resource. Drilling will involve diamond drilling with activities planned to occur between the hours of 7am – 6pm, Monday to Friday and run for approximately 4-5 months.

UPDATE – 5/3/20

Due to some short-term necessary work, drilling activities will be temporarily operating on three Saturdays from 14/3/20 and ending on 28/3/20.


Community Open Day – Thank You

Bowdens Silver would like to thank all community members who attended our Open Day on Saturday 15th of June. Approximately one hundred people took the time to visit us on the day to learn more about the Project. Attendees had the chance to hear from the company and also meet and ask questions to a range of independent experts who are providing information for the Environmental Impact Statement.

We would also like to thank the Rylstone Kandos Volunteer Rescue Association who manned the BBQ on the day.

Also, a big congratulations goes to Brenton Franks who guessed the closest to the correct grade of silver for the drill core sample that was on display. For his troubles, he took home a 1kg silver ingot that was up for grabs. Well done!

Bowdens Silver Community Consultative Committee – Nominations Open for Community Representative

Bowdens Silver Pty Limited (Bowdens Silver, the company) is seeking nominations for the role of local community representative to fill a vacant position on the Community Consultative Committee (CCC) for the Bowdens Silver Project.

Located in the Mid-Western Regional Council local government area, the Bowdens Silver Project is a State Significant Development currently progressing through development application processes. The Bowdens Silver Project CCC is conducted in accordance with Department of Planning and Environment guidelines.

The purpose of the Bowdens Silver Project CCC is to provide a forum for constructive open dialogue between the company, the community and stakeholders on subjects directly relating to the project. The CCC provides an opportunity for Bowdens Silver and community and stakeholder representatives to maintain good working relationships, and to assist with the delivery of balanced social, environmental and economic outcomes.

The selection criteria for local community representatives include:

  • Being a current resident or landowner within the affected local government area;
  • Demonstrated involvement in local community groups and/or activities;
  • Having knowledge and awareness of the Project and related issues of concern to the local community;
  • Ability to represent and communicate the interests of the affected local community; and
  • A willingness to adhere to the CCC Code of Conduct.

All CCC members are expected to contribute constructively to committee discussions, attend quarterly meetings and have the capacity to act as a conduit for information about the Bowdens Silver Project between the CCC and the broader community. The role of committee members is voluntary.

Further information for the Community Consultative Committee including guidelines, can be found at

Persons from within the community seeking to be appointed to the CCC are invited to submit a nomination in writing.

A nomination form may be downloaded from the following link Nomination Form – Community Representatives or obtained from the Independent Chairperson with contact details as below.

Nominations must be lodged by Tuesday 25 June 2019, and sent to the CCC’s Independent Chairperson:


Attention: Darryl Watkins

Independent Chairperson

Bowdens Silver Project Community Consultative Committee


If you have any further queries regarding the Community Consultative Committee or the application process, please call the Bowdens Silver community information line on 1800 931 036 during standard business hours.