13/7/21: Response to Submissions

Bowdens Silver is pleased to report that it has submitted its Submissions Report to the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment (“DPIE”) as part of its application for the development of the Bowdens Silver Project.

This Submissions Report presents comprehensive responses from the Company to the submissions received by DPIE following the public exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) for the Project. Submissions were provided by New South Wales Government agencies, organisations and the general public. Overall, the submissions expressed resounding support for the Project with 79% of all organisation and general public submissions in favour of the Project (of a total of 1,909 submissions). Bowdens Silver is not aware of a proposed mining Project in recent times in New South Wales that has received this level of support.

The review of the matters raised in the technical assessment comments provided by New South Wales Government agencies and from organisations and the general public has led to further clarification and refinement of the various assessments for the Project. However, there were no changes to the overall conclusions of the assessments and the Submissions Report serves to provide greater clarity and assessment on certain topics including further positive verification on items including human health, groundwater, surface water and economic outcomes for the Mid-Western Regional LGA and the State.

Key elements of the Project that have been reinforced during this process include:

  • The Project presents no health risk of concern to the local community which was also confirmed in an independent peer review commissioned by DPIE;
  • The Project would have substantial economic benefits for the local and regional community as well as for the State of New South Wales;
  • The expansion of the existing Community Investment Program will ensure benefits of the Project are distributed equitably; and
  • Enhanced mitigation measures proposed by the Company within the Tailings Storage Facility exceed the Environment Protection Authority’s criteria.

Along with the Submissions Report, an Amendment Report has also been submitted with the Company proposing to incorporate the proposed re-alignment of the 500kV power transmission line that traverses the Mine Site. Environmental assessment for this amendment was previously undertaken as part of the EIS but was excluded from the application.

The Company would like to recognise the considerable effort by its staff, R.W. Corkery & Co and our team of consultants in delivering the outstanding results in not only the EIS but in the Submissions Report and Amendment Report.

Of particular note, we would also like to thank those in the local communities for their unequivocal support for the Project.

The Submissions Report may be viewed at the DPIE Major Projects website at https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/9641.

Bowdens Silver will shortly be providing a Community Newsletter incorporating a summary of the key items within the Submissions Report and Amendment Report.