23/12/22: Bowdens Silver Project Achieves Major Approvals Milestone
Bowdens Silver is pleased to advise that the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has assessed the Bowdens Silver Project (the Project) as being in the public interest and approvable subject to conditions of consent. The DPE has now referred the Project to the Independent Planning Commission of New South Wales (IPC) for final determination.
The IPC will review the DPE’s Assessment Report and consider submissions from stakeholders before making a final determination. This will be the final step in the NSW planning approvals process.
The DPE states, “On balance, the Department considers that the benefits of the project outweigh its residual costs and that the project is in the public interest and is approvable, subject to strict conditions of consent”.
We are also pleased that the DPE considers that Bowdens Silver has designed the project in a way that would achieve a practicable balance between maximising resource recovery and minimising associated impacts on the surrounding landholders and the environment through best practice contemporary practices and mitigation measures. It also notes the significance of the project’s resource, the increasing focus on minerals mining with decreasing reliance on coal and fossil fuels in the mining and energy sector and the associated growing demand for raw metals (including silver and zinc) due to urbanisation, electrification, a range of technological development and transition to renewable energies. The Department considers that the project would result in considerable economic benefits to the region and to the State of NSW through employment and royalties.
This is a major step forward in the approval process and follows extensive technical and environmental assessments along with close consultation with the community, stakeholders and NSW Government agencies over the past years. Our team has delivered a robust and environmentally responsible project and this decision is recognition of the significant long-term economic and social benefits the Project will deliver for local communities across Lue, Rylstone, Kandos and the broader Mid-Western Region.
The Bowdens Silver Project is Australia’s largest undeveloped silver deposit and one of the largest globally. The mine’s 23-year life, including 16.5 years of silver production and by-products of zinc and lead, underpins significant value potential for Bowdens Silver.
The IPC will likely call a Public Hearing for early 2023 with a final determination to be made soon thereafter.
The Bowdens Silver Project Assessment Report and other information can be found at: https://www.ipcn.nsw.gov.au.